#loveHR Summit, the Slovenian HR Congress – The central event for all of you who breathe and love HR

Each year, the #loveHR Summit brings together more than 600 HR managers who are in charge of employee training and development, as well as other HR experts from both the public and private sectors. Last but not least, all #HRlovers who share a passion for professional growth, networking, and making new business connections are also present.

The heart of any organisation is its people. The greatest value of the company today is derived from intangible assets, such as ideas, relationships, knowledge, etc., whereas in the past the value of the organisation was derived from tangible assets. Everything that comes from people. Today’s talent also has more job opportunities than ever, increasing the likelihood that they will constantly be on the lookout for a better deal. How can you retain them?

In the modern world of rapid changes, the swift advance of artificial intelligence, the strengthening of the importance of sustainable development, and increasing global tensions, we face the need for new approaches. At the #LoveHR Summit 2024, under the slogan HRmony of the Future, we will explore how HR can strategically contribute to the harmonious future of organizations and people. Let’s digitalize business, but decode people.

Join us at the #LoveHR Summit. You will become part of a story with tradition, part of the largest HR event in Slovenia. Let’s ignite the #LoveHR spark throughout society!



Video from previous conference

Why trade the office for two days for the #loveHR Summit?

#loveHR social gathering

You can’t beat the vibe and the energy of being in a room full of people who share your beliefs. As a result, going to a live event is a fantastic way to network with like-minded individuals and make some new friends as well as business contacts. The #loveHR challenges in today’s fast-paced business world are shared by many, so you can breathe a sigh of relief knowing you’re not alone. Those of you who are unable to be physically present can still participate by watching the event online.

Enrich your #loveHR knowledge

When prioritising the growth and education of your co-workers, it’s important not to overlook your own needs. Your expertise and knowledge are also crucial to your success and value to the company. In order to design modern workplaces tailored to the individual, staying abreast of #loveHR trends will equip you with new knowledge and skills through efficient methods of personalising the employee experience. Develop into a #loveHR leader of the future.

A double dose of #LoveHR inspiration

It’s important to take some time off and recharge every once in a while, so that you can give your all once you return to work. You won’t just be surrounded by HR pros and career-advancing advice at the #loveHR Summit. Two days in beautiful Portorož and the luxurious Grand Hotel Bernardin is the perfect way to unwind and recharge for any upcoming #loveHR challenges. You can increase your sense of well-being, great energy, and inspiration by participating in a traditional charity run. We are already at the starting line.

Spend two days surrounded by HR lovers and meet new friends in an international atmosphere.

Join the journey to an edge of the hottest HR trends

Keynote speaker at #loveHR Summit 2023

Top foreign and domestic experts will join you

Emmanuelle Leon

Associate Professor of Human Resource Management, ESCP Business School, Paris

Jeff J. Butler

Workplace Strategy Expert and Workplace Behavior Researcher

Lazar Džamić

Associate Professor, Business School Lausanne, Switzerland

Rishad Ahmed

Certified Coach for Personal Development

Mark Emdin

Experienced team coach, organisation design & development consultant, Nexi coaching & consulting

Robert Ljoljo

CEO, Lek, a member of the Sandoz Group

Miro Smrekar

Secretary-General of the Association of Employers of Slovenia (ZDS)

Tina Turk Lupieri

Human Resources Director, Maistra Hospitality Group, Croatia

Željka Modrej

Culture Reinvention Specialist

Marija Felkel

Adriatic Cluster HR Director at Nomad Foods

Monika Lapanja

Director of the Center for Business Excellence at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana

Saša Štebe

Executive Advisor to Boards and Private Equity Funds, Pedersen & Partners

Tilen Prah

Entrepreneur and Believer in People

Tomaž Berločnik

An active investor who believes in the power of HR

Vesna Miloševič Zupančič

Expert Director, e-Student Servis

Tina Parazajda

People and Organization: Leader of Activation and Enabling, Viessmann Climate Solutions

Mateja Nadižar Svet

Director of Corporate Services at Elektro Gorenjska d.d.
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Ksenja Hauptman

Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Innovation

Greta Metka Barbo Škerbinc

General Director of the Employment Service of Slovenia

Aljoša Bagola

Creative Director, Lecturer and Book Author

Aljaž Godec

Head of People and Culture

Katarina Hočevar

Head of HR Department, Secretariat, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food

Boštjan Trilar

Director Workforce Slovenija at Heads Adriatic & Strategic partner Noble Manhattan Coaching

Elvi Rwankuba

Career Coach, Facilitator

Jure Jeraj

Leading expert in data management and innovations

Boško Praštalo

Business Networking Expert, Sellution d.o.o.

Nel Hrepevnik

Product Development Manager for Gecko HRM and HR Solutions Consultant at Agilcon

Aleš Štempihar

Askit d.o.o. Director, Team Leader at Digital42, IIBA Slovenia Vice President

Aleksander Bastl

Director at BASS d.o.o.

Jana Rožac

Project manager Interreg@Work4NEETs

David Mohar

CEO of e-learning services company Smart NARIS d.o.o

Domen Ocepek

Software Product Manager

Metka Jelen

Application Engineer / HRM Project Manager

Nataša Centa

Business Digitization Expert

Carmen Zajc

Job Placement Manager

Klara Omerzu

HR consultant and organisational diagnostics researcher

Jaka Matičič

Sales and marketing manager, head of computer training

Aljoša Željeznov

Chief Operating Officer

Nina Potisek

Partner and Senior Consultant at Competo

Andrej Guštin

Consultant in business analysis and business process management, IIBA Slovenia

Matic Moličnik

HR expert, psychologist and international coach

Anja Žibert

Founder Free Spirit Human Capital

Kaj menijo tisti, ki so bili na Slovenskem kadrovskem kongresu?

Kljub dolgoletnim izkušnjam pri delu v različnih nadzornih svetih, z zadovoljstvom ugotavljam, da mi je izobraževanje prineslo nove poglede tako skozi pravne novosti kot tudi skozi oči revizorjev, sanacijskih upraviteljev ter drugih predavateljev, ki so nam podajali vsebino na podlagi svojih izkušenj.

mag. Mojca Kunšek, direktorica


Slovenski kadrovski kongres je dogodek, ki se ga vsako leto z veseljem udeležim.
Program vsako leto predstavi aktualne HR trende, primere dobrih praks domačih in tujih podjetji in nas seznani z novimi pristopi pri delu z ljudmi.
Poleg kvalitetnega programa je kongres tudi odlična priložnost, da se srečam s kolegi in strokovnjaki iz HR področja.

Nataša Jelovčan, vodja razvoja in selekcije

Mercator, d.d.

Z zagotovostjo lahko izpostavim, da je Kongres ADMA enkraten dogodek v Sloveniji, kjer lahko posameznik na enem mestu pridobi široko paleto strokovnih znanj, odgovore na številna aktualna vprašanja, ter vzpostavi nova poznanstva, ki lahko prerastejo v prava prijateljstva.

Mladenka Bogatinovski, poslovni asistent

Energija plus d.o.o.

Nabavna konferenca, kot eden največjih dogodkov za nabavnike, je odlična priložnost in definitivno pravilna izbira za nabavnika, ki želi pridobiti nova znanja. Ker v poslu vedno potrebujemo nekaj več, nekaj novega, drugačnega in stremimo k svežim in kvalitetnim informacijam, je program konference vedno zasnovan tako, da domov odidemo polni novih idej in zamisli kako bomo to uveljavili v praksi. Izmenjava dobrih praks, delitev izkušenj z ostalimi ''so – nabavniki'' ter nova znanja ostalih predavateljev in udeležencev nam lahko izjemno koristijo pri naših poslovnih odločitvah. Poleg strokovnega znanja, ki ga pridobim na konferenci, vedno odnesem s seboj ogromno pozitivne energije in ta vrednost me še dodatno motivira in me navdaja z veseljem do tega kar delam.

Barbara Šmalc, Nabavna managerka 2009, , Direktorica strateških projektov

Reflex, d.o.o.

Počutje na Davčno-finančni konferenci je bilo odlično. Razlog je preprost, na dogodkih Planeta GV se počutim zelo domače iz več razlogov: teme, prezentacije oz. predavanja so bili koristne, atraktivne in zelo zanimive, predvsem finančni sklop; na dogodku sem spoznal potencialne poslovne partnerje, skratka konferenca za nove poslovne priložnosti. Obisk konference zelo priporočam vsakemu strokovnjaku, ki je povezan z finančnim-davčnim področjem. Planet GV sprejemam kot poslovnega partnerja, s katerim bomo tudi v prihodnje skupaj krepili vrednost finančne funkcije v uspešnih slovenskih podjetjih.

Mag. Črtomir Časar, sodni cenilec

BV Finančna Skupina d.o.o.

Accommodation options

#loveHR Summit is coming to the charming setting of Grand Hotel Bernardin, the largest congress center in Slovenia.

For congress participants, special rates are available at Grand hotel Bernardin, hotel Histrion and hotel Vile Park.

Obala 2, 6320 Portorož

#LoveHR Summit 2024 is sponsored by: