#loveHR Adria 2025
Join us!
– Connect senior HR directors from leading international companies operating across the Adriatic region,
– Support HR experts in building a strong regional business network,
– Equip organisations looking to expand into Adria markets with knowledge, strategies, and meaningful connections.
Learn directly from senior HR leaders and experts who navigate multi-market challenges in the Adria region.
Gain strategic knowledge on leadership development, organisational culture, workforce planning, and more – tailored to the unique needs of Adria-based organisations.
Build valuable connections with like-minded HR professionals and explore potential business partnerships across the Adriatic region.
Every year, we also award HR excellence – with the »HR Manager of the Year« Award, »Recognition of the HR Potential of the Year« Award and the special awards bestowed by the Slovenian Human Resource Association.
Join us and meet the 2020 winners!
Rezervirajte si svoje mesto na kongresu!
CEO at Planet GV
HR Director and Member of the Management Board at Pivovarna Laško Union
Business director at Planet GV
Director Leadership Services Adriatic at Amrop Adria
SAP Consulting Manager at Avtenta
President at IEDC-Bled School of Management
Talent, OD & Inclusion Partner, Novartis
Human Resource Management Director at Ljubljanske mlekarne
Strategic Organization Design and Development, EODF Board member, Certified Org. Design Professional
Human Resources Manager at Unistar LC d.o.o., Ljubljana
Project Manager of #loveHR Summit at Planet GV
Vaša konkurenčna prednost so vaši zaposleni!
Revija HR&M je strokovna revija za vodenje in razvoj ljudi pri delu, seznanja z novostmi in aktualnimi tematikami, trendi in razvojem na področja vodenja, upravljanja in razvoja ljudi, prav tako pa v reviji predstavljamo tudi domače in tuje primere dobre prakse.
Je nepogrešljiva sopotnica voditeljev, HRM managerjev in vseh strokovnjakov, ki se ukvarjajo s področjem vodenja, razvoja ljudi. Priporočamo jo tudi managerjem, ki vršijo svoje kadrovsko poslanstvo in jim ni vseeno, kako voditi zaposlene.