Domen Ocepek

SW Product Manager


An example of an integrated approach to competency management in HRM

The success of a company depends on the specific competences of its employees. The more demanding the competences and the smaller the workforce, the greater the risk that the process does not work as well as desired because of a lack of competences. The company that has set up a competency system and moved records from numerous Excel spreadsheets into an IT system has increased efficiency in finding replacements, succession planning, building effective teams and, last but not least, in ensuring the quality of products and services delivered by people with the right competencies.

This lecture will present the fundamentals of a good HRM system and will go on to present a tool for systematic competency management and finally demonstrate its application in a large manufacturing company. We will also touch upon the use of artificial intelligence and advanced algorithms, which can also help to increase efficiency in the HRM field.