#loveHR Adria 2025
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Andrej Guštin has been actively involved in business process re-engineering projects since 2000 as an expert consultant in the field of business analysis and business process management. His professional work focuses mainly on solving problems in business process optimisation and automation, as well as on the analysis and development of products, software solutions or new services. His work contributes to improving Employee eXperience and Customer eXperience and opens new perspectives for successful business in the experience economy. In his career to date, he has lectured at more than 100 seminars and conferences in Slovenia and abroad, and regularly works as an external collaborator with the University of Ljubljana and the University of Primorska.
Too many executives and managers see digital business transformation primarily through technology and business optimisation. The transformation part is skipped over or at best greatly simplified. This is one of the key reasons why digital business transformation unfortunately becomes just the implementation of a few technology projects. The right way is of course the other way around. It all starts with a change in the way leaders understand and act and a focus on people. In this talk we will present: