#loveHR Summit 2024
Join us!
The central HR event, which attracts and connects more than 600 HR enthusiasts to Portorož for two days every spring, is the more modern, innovative, and vital successor of the Slovenian HR Congress.
This time, it was personal. That’s why there were even more of us. At the #loveHR Summit 2023, we focused on personalizing the employee experience, which increases satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty to the organization. What motivates people today? Has flexibility become the leading force in employee satisfaction post-pandemic – working from anywhere, shorter working hours for the same pay, more freedom in work organization, etc.? We sought answers and shared them with you so that you can become (or remain) even better for your employees and more attractive as an employer to new talents.
At the #LoveHR Summit 2024, we will discover how, in a world of extraordinary changes and the swift advance of artificial intelligence, increased social tensions, and growing needs for sustainable development, to ensure HRmony for the future.
Join us at the #loveHR Summit 2024 and become part of a story with tradition, dedicated to the growth and development of people.
We will explore the opportunities for using artificial intelligence in HR processes, seek new ways to attract and retain talent, and delve into the challenges of leading highly effective teams. We will search for strategies on how to further deepen your strategic HR role for successful navigation through the challenges of the modern working world.
We will explore how to tackle the challenges of significant labor shortages in the job market, including hiring from third countries, retraining, outsourcing, and the introduction of digital workplaces. We will highlight the importance of employees’ mental health and creating a harmonious work environment.
Knowledge also connects us. On the first day, at the charity run and walk, during the socializing at the VIP #loveHR gala dinner and #loveHR party. The next day, we will activate our little gray cells with morning exercise and at the end, share impressions of the two-day professional and social event at the closing gathering.
Every year, we also award HR excellence – with the »HR Manager of the Year« Award, »Recognition of the HR Potential of the Year« Award and the special awards bestowed by the Slovenian Human Resource Association.
Join us and meet the 2020 winners!
Rezervirajte si svoje mesto na kongresu!
CEO at Planet GV
HR Director and Member of the Management Board at Pivovarna Laško Union
Business director at Planet GV
Director Leadership Services Adriatic at Amrop Adria
SAP Consulting Manager at Avtenta
President at IEDC-Bled School of Management
Talent, OD & Inclusion Partner, Novartis
Human Resource Management Director at Ljubljanske mlekarne
Strategic Organization Design and Development, EODF Board member, Certified Org. Design Professional
Human Resources Manager at Unistar LC d.o.o., Ljubljana
Project Manager of #loveHR Summit at Planet GV
Vaša konkurenčna prednost so vaši zaposleni!
Revija HR&M je strokovna revija za vodenje in razvoj ljudi pri delu, seznanja z novostmi in aktualnimi tematikami, trendi in razvojem na področja vodenja, upravljanja in razvoja ljudi, prav tako pa v reviji predstavljamo tudi domače in tuje primere dobre prakse.
Je nepogrešljiva sopotnica voditeljev, HRM managerjev in vseh strokovnjakov, ki se ukvarjajo s področjem vodenja, razvoja ljudi. Priporočamo jo tudi managerjem, ki vršijo svoje kadrovsko poslanstvo in jim ni vseeno, kako voditi zaposlene.